Magnetic Notes
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Magnetic Notes

Hybrid sucks (or does it?)

The workplace of now

The missing pieces

Hybrid can and does work in many instances, but there are still key areas to address:

  1. Comradery, community and purpose. The assumption is that attrition rates have a direct correlation to the fact that people aren’t in the office.
  2. Mixed messages. There’s still a control vs productivity tension: “I want to see people in office as they’re more productive” vs “I’m more productive at home”.
  3. Serendipitous connections. Organic knowledge/idea sharing that boosts productivity in an efficient yet authentic way hasn’t yet been cracked remotely.
  4. Early career development. Access to peer to peer learning and development opportunities are significantly less when working hybrid or remote.
  5. Property portfolios are under utilised and under valued. Large, empty commercial offices or units are being paid for and wasted.
  6. Care and wellbeing. Our people face new challenges. Keeping up with ways to support mental and physical wellbeing remains a complex and nuanced task:

The cost of living crisis

With inflation rates at an all time high, businesses are looking to maximise efficiencies and reduce costs. Coupled with a cost of living crisis that’s only set to worsen as we head into the winter, the bubbling pressures under the surface are about to come to a head.

Time vs Place



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