Why the year 2020 is not the worst but the best !!

Let’s appreciate this year as an eye opener for all of us. Starting from January till today, we have seen a lot of unanticipated things which is creating a new normal to the way we think and perceive.

Kalki- The destroyer of darkness

We living creatures are living in kaliyug,which is the worst yug of all the four yuga’s we know, yet knowing all this we have been doing a lot of atrocious things whether it is killing animals or our own civilisation just for the sake of climbing the ladder of success. Philosophically the earth is healing itself by giving us a strong hint to “mind ourselves” or else face the consequences and get into trap of this vicious catastrophic year of casualties. Many cases and facts have come into light which were always hidden in the column of darkness. The column which has been controlled by communists and the capitalists.

Starting from the bushfire in Australia to the great pandemic of 2020, we are going through tough times and lot of suffering not realising the fact that it is our own “Karma” that we are facing. Each and every event is a revenge of what we have done to our own planet.

Right now, it may be hard not to feel despondent but there are shoots of optimism. After the lockdowns, we see a great appreciation for nature in many countries around the world. From China to Spain, people of all ages are missing what they did not know they would miss until they could not have it: craving open spaces; realising the wellbeing and health benefits of accessing nature; and, in many countries, missing the blossoming of spring.

Some improvements in pollution levels have been seen in countries with restricted movements of people and the shutdown of factories and businesses. Will we be able to balance our need for these to reopen and our desire to travel while reducing the footprint of these kinds of activities?

I hope that through our experience of this pandemic, we will learn that it is far better to pre-empt a global problem when we see it on the horizon than have to deal with it when it engulfs us. This is a lesson we should apply to the challenge of climate change, which also threatens hundreds of millions of people. We must also recognise that global challenges require globally coordinated responses.

Now the year has given us a chance to change the long time suffering to a long time freedom i.e from darkness to light. There is an urgent need to reset humanity’s relationship with nature. People who were kept in a bubble of power, nepotism or the so called the privileged shall burst their bubble and come out to this upcoming era of “Rightful” ,Where your voice will be heard and truth will be told.



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