Why the great GPT-3 debate is silly. Both camps are right . . about different things

Gary Marcus is on a campaign to trash neural networks. He’s mostly wrong. But yet right about many individual claims.

The unnecessarily divisive debate — more like an attack — initiated by some neural network skeptics is near-pointless.


The main disconnect that’s going on has a 4-fold origin:

  1. Large language models (LLMs) including OpenAI’s ChatGPT / GPT-3 and Google’s…



PhD physicist & founder at Pretzel Technologies. AI, start-ups, futurism, EVs, SpaceX, structural biol, Covid19, systems eng, centrist politics & green tech.

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Paul Pallaghy

PhD physicist & founder at Pretzel Technologies. AI, start-ups, futurism, EVs, SpaceX, structural biol, Covid19, systems eng, centrist politics & green tech.