A gold-plated Turing Machine module made for https://unendlichesspiel.de/

Why open source hardware works for Music Thing Modular

The panel designers

Panels by Kylee Kennedy — the plain one works well for alternative firmwares, with a wipe-clean gold surface
PCB panels by Filippo Nunziale

The Hardware Hackers

Big Turing Machines

The Coders

As soon as Radio Music was released in December 2014, more talented programmers than me started to write alternative firmwares using the (actually not open source, but excellent) Teensy Audio Library, most notably this collection from James Carruthers of NoBots. Finlay has made a Radio Music Trigger pack.

Firmware by James Carruthers, panels by C1t1zen

The Teachers

The original Turing Machine thread on Muffwigglers now contains 98,000 words of advice, troubleshooting and help contributed by the community. That’s a little bit longer than The Hobbit, and unfortunately it would be impossible to thank everyone involved.

The Storytellers

The modular community is driven by people who take the time to show, tell, explain, and demonstrate modules. YouTube is full of videos of Music Thing modules like… Turing Machine from supportsquid, Turing Mk2 from DivKid, Mikrophonie from Leafcutter John, Spring Reverb from PianoHorst, Radio Music by Mylar Melodies.

Further reading about Open Source Music Hardware:

  1. Open Modules for Open Minds
  2. What it means that the MeeBlip synth is open source hardware



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Tom Whitwell

Consultant at Magnetic (formerly Fluxx), reformed journalist, hardware designer.