What is Linux?

And how is it different from Windows and Mac OS X?

Larger CC-0 licensed version of this image can be found here. Also a version without the background.
  1. Linux distribution (Linux operating system)
  2. Linux kernel

Also term GNU/Linux is often used, more about this in the section ‘The term “Linux”’ in the bottom of this article.

Linux distribution

A server or a bare essentials Linux distribution usually consist of:

  1. The Linux kernel — the software on a computer that enables applications to access the devices of that computer. This is developed by Linus Torvalds and thousands of collaborators.
  2. Other essential software, like a bootloader, GNU shell utilities, the bash command line shell (also GNU) and others. They are all produced by different groups of developers. *
  3. Usually a package manager (more about this below)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server distribution controlled via the shell *

A more comprehensive Linux distribution usually consists of:

  1. The bare essentials mentioned above
  2. Graphical user interface, maybe only a window manager (very basic and light) or a full-blown Desktop Environment (full of features, heavier)
  3. Often various different pre-installed free applications like the Firefox Internet browser or the Libreoffice office suite and many others, depending on what the creators wanted to include
Ubuntu Linux distribution’s graphical user interface or the Unity desktop environment

A Linux distribution can be:

  1. A system developed from scratch (Debian, Red Hat, Arch Linux, …)
  2. A fork of somebody else’s distribution (Ubuntu (based on Debian), Manjaro (based on Arch Linux), …)
  3. A fork based on a fork (Elementary OS (based on Ubuntu), …)

Timeline of Linux distributions chart

Small part of the Timeline of Linux distributions chart about Arch Linux and it’s forks’ evolution steps

Why so many?

Desktop environments

A visualisation of the components of a Linux distribution according to my current knowledge. I’ll update it when I figure out more

Memory consumption

Memory usage of different Desktop Environments and Window Managers *

File managers

Thunar, PCManFM, Nemo and Nautilus file managers in Xubuntu
Krusader. Image from here.
Midnight Commander terminal application. Image from here.

Package Managers

Here’s a great explanation about package managers from Howtogeek.com. Below are some modified excerpts from it.

Ubuntu’s Software Updater
Installing KeePass application from Ubuntu Software

Directory structrure

Another great article from Howtogeek.com.
Below are some modified excerpts from it.

The contents of / or the root directory
Mounted USB stick in /media/mj/USB_Stick/

How to choose a good Linux distribution?

The term “Linux”

As a side note, GNU community also have their own kernel in development: GNU Hurd. *

Another side note, Linus Torvalds originally intended to name Linux as “Freax” but the administrator of the server Torvalds used to distribute the original code named his directory “Linux” after a combination of Torvalds’ first name and the word Unix, and the name stuck. *



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Manu Järvinen

Animator, 3D modeler and illustrator. Likes open-source stuff like Blender, Linux, Gimp & Krita. And Demoscene. Support me on Patreon.com/manujarvinen