Uncovering, Uplifting, and Preserving America’s Local Impact Leader DNA

The Local Impact Leaders Archives & Actions Project

There is no getting around the fact that America is living in divisive times. The very fabric of our great nation is constantly on the brink of ripping at the seams. Small tears in our democracy seem to turn into craters that other nations perceive as a country that is not the ‘United’ States — but a country fighting for the very freedoms we were founded upon.

How do we re-unite? For one, we turn to our history, our past triumphs, to help us look forward to a brighter future. We remember who we have been to help us remember what we can become.

At the very heart of our history, our progress toward becoming the great nation we are grasping to hold onto today — are the Local Impact Leaders that helped pave the way for progress to be made. These unsung heroes have and continue to work tirelessly in the shadows on every cause you can imagine from food insecurity to human rights, from animal rights, to homelessness, racial justice and racial equity, to health, and even the often-left-behind Arts — which make sure our nation’s creative spark doesn’t diminish but shines brightest in the toughest of times.

How do we re-unite? We identify and preserve the very people that got us here, and we uplift the present people that are working hard to make sure progress doesn’t stall - but continues and flourishes.

When you analyze the fabric of our nation, the very DNA that makes us great — what you see and who you see are Local Impact Leaders. The unsung heroes in local communities across our country that have moved causes and cities forward. The people that were strong enough to cross picket lines, brave enough to sit at lunch counters, caring enough to go straight from their bank - to the food bank. The people that save lives, animals, personal freedoms, lift kid’s spirits, house the houseless, and ask little more than to carry on a hope that we can make this world, our communities, a single person’s life, just a little bit better — together.

Until today, many of these Local Impact Leaders have been lost to history. Either technology was not in place to preserve their community work, or media forces have buried their voices among an endless scroll of senseless content to the point where they have drowned in popular culture.

We here at ImpactPass are not going to let that happen, and that’s why we have started the Local Impact Leaders Archives Project, where we are creating the world’s largest database of past and present Local Impact Leaders to preserve their names, work, accomplishments — forever.

We have an opportunity to inspire people of all ages to carry on the tradition of Local Impact Leader DNA that our country was built upon. People may find this ‘Community Giving DNA’ in their family — or — be inspired by past and present Local Impact Leaders to start their own tradition of making an impact in their local communities.

Either way, preserving and uplifting our Local Impact Leaders will help us create new generations of Changemakers that will re-unite us and move our nation and democracy forward.

ImpactPass Mission:
We are on a mission to make it easy for people to make an impact in their city or anywhere they go, while uplifting the often suppressed voices of our heroic and knowledgeable local Impact Leaders from the past and the present — so they can education and action everyday people to move causes forward!

Recommend A Local Impact Leader!
Do you know an Impact Leader doing great work in your community? Do you know about an Impact Leader from the past that worked to make your community a better place today?

Be a part of the ImpactPass Local Leaders Archives Project by emailing us or simply leaving their name in the comment section so we can archive and shine a spotlight on the most inspirational past and present leaders of our local communities.



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We are on a mission to make it easy for people to make an impact across California, while preserving and uplifting the voices of our Local Impact Leaders!