Tech Wrench
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Tech Wrench

The Ultimate Collection of System Design Resources for Tech Interviews


Photo by Mike Hindle on Unsplash

Free vs Paid

These courses may totally be worth your money, let us explain why. Consider the scenario the last time you fell sick. The remedy would include a physician prescribed antibiotics course. Though antibiotics are not good for our body but they make us well in the short-term. These interview tools are akin to antibiotics, they prepare us for one-hour interview rounds, but do not transform us into legendary engineers. For excellent health, we watch our diet, workout, and regularly take vitamins over an extended period of time, similarly, to be excellent engineers we’ll go through volumes of technical literature, work on complex systems and surround ourselves with the brightest in the industry over an extended period. A course or two won’t make us a Google L8 overnight but will certainly help us pass that one-hour round!

With that in mind, you can also think of these paid interview materials as an investment. Say, if you end-up spending $500 for your interview prep but get a $20K (very common) raise in your next gig, that’s a 40 times return on your investment! However, truth be told, all these courses with their accompanied marketing gimmickry, are absolutely not necessary to land a FAANG/MAANG job. If you are determined and disciplined there’s ample free content on the good old internet that you can go through to prepare just as well. Remember, the CAP theorem stays and reads the same in “Grokking the System Design Interview” course as well as on Wikipedia. Two plus two would always equal four, whether you read it for free on the internet or whether you read it in a course, that you paid for.

At the end, it boils down to your personal choice whether you make a purchase or bet on the free content. As a general rule of thumb, the more senior and experienced you are the less value you’ll derive out of these paid interview prep products. For all those who decide to buy the pay-walled content, the fact remains that these companies selling digital “picks and shovels”, stand to make a buck whether we land the job or fail at the very first phone screen. Good luck and Godspeed!

Without further ado, here’s the compilation of all resources for acing your next System Design interview:


  1. Designing Data Intensive Applications — This is an absolute must-read book! The author Martin Kleppmann is an authority on distributed systems and many of topics talked about at length in this book are also covered in many of the paid courses albeit superficially. You can likely find a free pdf download of the older versions of the book on Google.

Paid Courses and Sites

The Grokking Series

  1. Grokking the Advanced System Design Interview
  2. Grokking the System Design Interview
  3. Best of System Design

Additionally, there are courses for coding/algorithm problems too

  1. Grokking Dynamic Programming Patterns for Coding Interviews
  2. Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions
  3. Grokking the Object Oriented Design Interview
  4. All Coding courses

There’s also an option to buy all the courses on the site for a discounted price.

  1. Grokking Modern System Design Interview for Engineers
  2. Scalability & System Design for Developers
  3. Machine Learning System Design
  4. Deep Dive into System Design Interview

Educative requires a monthly subscription fee and whatever you purchase will not be accessible after your subscription expires. However, your subscription allows you to access hundred of courses offered on Educative’s platform in addition to the system design ones. Educative offers, montly (most expensive), yearly, or two-year (least expensive) subscription plans. Think of Educative like a buffet of tech courses, you pay a monthly fee and then consume as much content as you like.


  1. System Design Interview — An insider’s guide (volume 1)
  2. System Design Interview — An insider’s guide (volume 2)

Additionally, Alex sells a course for an yearly subscription that includes all the content in the two books and then some more. On his course website, Alex promises to add regular new content to the course.

Think Software Learning

  1. The Distributed System Design Interviews Bible course
  2. Think Software Youtube channel


  1. System Design course by the name of SystemExpert

Like the other vendors, SystemExpert has an annual subscription.


  1. Techseries course
  2. Codepro course.


Sundog Education


  1. Mastering the System Design Interview by Frank Kane (Buying it from Frank’s own site is probably much cheaper)
  2. Pragmatic System Design by Alexey Soshin
  3. System Design Interview Guide for Software Architecture by Sandeep Kaul
  4. Rocking System Design by Rajdeep Saha
  5. The Complete Design Interview Course by Abhijeet Desai

In-Person Classes

Scalar Academy


Free Content

Cracking the Coding Interview

  1. Cracking the Coding Interview
  2. CareerCup System Design Questions

LeetCode System Design Questions

  1. LeetCode System Design Questions

YouTube Channels and Videos

  1. Martin Kleppmann also runs a YouTube channel and has several videos on distributed systems
  2. SystemDesignInterview channel
  3. Software Engineering by Hussein Nasser
  4. Asli Engineering by Arpit Bhayani
  5. Alex Xu also runs a YouTube channel
  6. A recommended viewing “What Every Programmer has to know about Database Storage by Alex Petrov

GitHub Notes

  1. System Design Primer

Tech Company Blogs and Thought Leaders

  1. Amazon: Builder Library
  2. Meta:
  3. Uber:
  4. Netflix:
  5. Salesforce:
  6. Pinterest:
  7. Martin Fowler:




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