Today’s GOP Shows What Happens When The Inmates Take Over The Asylum?

If one is ready, willing and able to proceed with an open-mind, and examine what politicians say and actually do, you will most-likely be uninspired and concerned about the state of our nation, and how we might proceed into the future! Certainly, individuals on both sides of the so-called aisle, appear to be the wrong people to elect if our goal is to get necessary things done in a relevant, sustainable way, by seeking a well-considered, pragmatic meeting-of-the-minds for the greater good! Both the Democrats and Republicans have some elected officials, who seem too extreme for the best interests of most, going forward, but, while the Democrats don’t seem to automatically, support anyone with a D, after their name, Republicans, these days, largely will support anyone with a R, after theirs! Although, this did not come-on, just in the past few years, it seems more apparent these days, than ever before, in recent memory. Some of the elected officials, and nominees denied election, have articulated messages, which seems, at-odds, with what some of us consider core American principles, etc.! Indeed, in many ways, the so-called, Grand Old Party (GOP) appears to have permitted, either intentionally or not, to let the inmates take over the asylum! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss several examples of this concerning trend.

  1. Trump: Certainly, extremism, extreme positions, and polarizing statements have not begun under Trump, but the acceptance, and adoption of these types of antisocial, prejudiced positions escalated dramatically! Did Trump enable those haters and envious of others who might be more successful, etc., or did they create his, as their prototype and political Messiah? Never before, in recent memory, have we seen anyone holding any significant public office, especially the highest office in our land, seem as ill-prepared, egocentric, selfish, and willing to resort to lying and/or Conspiracy Theories, rather than focusing on facts! It seems he fed the needs of some of the haters, by articulating messages, enabling and entitling them, to their positions, behaviors and/or actions! Trump and his core supporters accuse Republicans who disagree with their approaches, etc., as RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), and no one has ever heard Mr. Trump apologize and/or correct anything he has said or done!
  2. Tea Party/ Freedom Caucus: Some of the inmates began their quest to take over the asylum, in the early parts of this 21st Century. They originally referred to their movement as the Tea Party, and then, a few years later, made their effort at control, a more-concerted one, and morphed into the Freedom Caucus! They usually justify their positions by blaming and complain about the existing system, demanding certain changes, in order to apparently, broaden their appeal to their core supporters (or potential ones). Although, we have always witnessed a degree of partisanship in US politics, it seems today’s partisan actions and mindsets, are more extreme, than ever before, in recent memory!
  3. Certain GOP leaders in the House of Representatives: Some of the GOP Representatives in the House, have exhibited more of an emphasis on creating a form of havoc they seem to believe benefits their priorities, than arriving at a well-considered strategic plan, into the future, to address priorities, etc. Florida’s Governor DeSantis, prior to becoming governor, was a member of the House Freedom Caucus, and has apparently, become popular, by fighting the so-called evil left-wing, and often, refers to progressive ideas, as woke! Now that the GOP has a small majority in the House of Representatives, they will control committee chairmanships, and much of what will be considered by that party. Although, they ran (and run) based on blaming and complaining and accusations, we rarely have heard any meaningful proposals and plans of action, into the future! At the onset of Trump’s administration, former Rep Devin Nunes reportedly ran to the White House, to assist Trump, in his efforts to avoid impeachment. Today, Nunes holds a key executive position in Trump’s new Social Media company, TRUTH! Original Chair of the Freedom Caucus (and currently, Vice Chair), and prominent accusatory extremist voice for them, Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, will become Chair of the Judiciary Committee in January, and has publicly stated, his priorities as going-after certain things and entities, such as the Justice Department, AG Garland, the January 6th Committee members, etc. How will that constructively change things, for the better? If you have ever observed and/or listened to Jordan’s mumblings and grumblings, he seems to be evidence of the takeover my the inmates! Rep. James Comer, scheduled to become Oversight Chair, has expressed similar priorities! Is that why their supporters elected them, instead of doing things, to improve the greater good? Both of these individuals, as well as the leading candidate to be Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, have expressed a willingness and desire to provide a greater role to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of GA, in House leadership! Ms. Greene has often, articulated support for the January 6th insurrectionists, and adopted many extremist, far-right preferences, etc. With the small margin of victory by Rep. Lauren Boebert of CO, another individual, who has sought far-right positions, and articulated statements, many feel are prejudiced (at best), it is even more evidence of the inmate takeover! A longer-term Congressman, Dr. Paul Goser of AZ, has often been tied to right-wing extremism, also, and is another member of the Freedom Caucus. Of the approximately 220 Republicans, who will be in the House, beginning in January, more than 50 are also committed members of that Caucus! Perhaps, committed is what some of these should be, but isn’t it concerning, so many US voters, are ready and willing to support these people, despite the lack of any strategic plan, going forward?
  4. GOP Senators: Although, they sometimes seem less extreme than their House counterparts, many GOP Senators also seem to be willing to sell their souls, for some reason! Is this about politics, or policy? Some of the more-extreme members of the Senate are: Senator Marsha Blackburn of TN, who has consistently articulated a willingness to proceed, in a prejudiced way, and accept convenient Conspiracy Theories, etc.; Senator Ted Cruz of TX, who seems to prove, having an excellent education, doesn’t exclude him from proceeding, without principle, ethics, integrity, and will say whatever he believes may be personally beneficial to him; Senator Lindsey Graham of SC, who once, was willing to consider the greater good, and worked across the aisle, and considered the late John McCain and President Joe Biden, as close friends, has appeared to go to the dark-side; Josh Hawley of MO, who we witnessed giving a high-fist bump, towards the January 6th crowd, has seemed willing to say or do, nearly anything; Ron Johnson of WI, who keeps getting reelected despite public polls indicating his unpopularity, and thus seems to have become emboldened to move further to the right; Rand Paul of KY, who states he is a so-called Libertarian, and often seems to oppose things, based on his reasoning, which often seems inconsistent and convenient!
  5. Trump’s core: It now seems Hillary Clinton was correct in referring to many of Trump’s core supporters as Deplorables! Those attacking the Capitol, committing hate crimes, gun violence, etc., all seem to feel, more entitled and enabled than ever-before in recent memory! Many of these people seem to believe they are the forgotten, overlooked and neglected Americans, and feel threatened by minorities, immigrants, etc., who they seem to feel are given an advantage over them! When the number of hate crimes is as high as we recall seeing, in recent memory, what does that say about many of our citizens? When, so many seem to prefer their personal/political agenda, over the greater good, and defending all our Constitutional rights and freedoms (instead of only, selectively supporting those they agree with), it creates a clear and present danger, going forward!
  6. Climate Change/ Environmental protections/ Economy: Although, this nation and planet cannot avoid to procrastinate about time-sensitive issues/realities, such as addressing Climate Change, and protecting our environment, some of the inmates focus on this denial, perhaps because they do not wish to realistically consider the Inconvenient Truths! Failure to address these, in a well-considered, strategic, timely manner, risks future generations, in terms of their lives, health and sustainability, but many of these right-wing core members, only seem to consider what they consider present needs, etc.! How often have we witnessed, many GOP members, who emphasize federal deficits, when the Democrats are in office, but don’t seem to care, when they are? The reality is deficits matter, but many Republicans seem willing to complain and blame Dems for these, while conveniently ignoring the real facts, which is, in the last-half century, every Democrat President has reduced the deficit, while every Republican has increased it! Perhaps, no GOP President has overseen as large a deficit, as the inmate’s hero, Donald Trump, and Biden, their favorite scapegoat, has reduced that deficit, by a larger amount, in his first 2 years, than anyone prior!

Whether relating to public health and safety, priorities, mindsets, empathy, civility, rights and freedoms, etc., it certainly seems the former Grand Old Party, may no longer be focused on its previous priorities, but largely, been ready, willing and able to dramatically move, to the extreme-right! While Dems often seem willing to eat their own, and turn-on, quickly, anyone accused, even before a total, fair review, etc., today’s Republican Party elected officials, have demonstrated their approach is to Circle the Wagons, when any member is misbehaving! Many of us remember, for example, the GOP of the early 1970’s had members who went to former-President Nixon, and convinced him to resign, very few of today’s GOP have shown any backbone, in terms of maintaining a meaningful level of ethics, integrity and fairness! Shouldn’t the greater good be the top priority? Shouldn’t responsible leadership be the basic requirement? If we permit the inmates to continue running the GOP asylum, by blindly supporting anyone, with an R, after their name, we are at-risk! When we witness Republicans such as Herschel Walker gain the GOP nominations for GA Senator, and reelect some political elected officials, such as Boebert, Graham, Hawley, Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, etc., what will happen to the future of the US 246 year old experiment in our unique form of democracy? Are we ready, willing and able to do better, consistently, and prioritize common sense, and the greater good? I pray we are, not only for our present, but for future generations!



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Richard Brody

After over 4 decades of involvement in learning Planning and training, Real estate, and consulting in many fields, Richard Brody is a recognized leader