Edge Analytics
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Edge Analytics

Summer Newsletter: Reflections on Growth

Edge Analytics Summer 2021 Newsletter

Reflections on Growth

As a kid, did you have crazy growth spurts over the summer? It turns out there is scientific evidence that we actually do grow more in the hotter months.

James Clear describes two different growth curve patterns — logarithmic and exponential — in his blog post. [Image Ref]

What does Edge Analytics do?

Edge Analytics was born out of a simple desire to work with our friends and do things together that make a positive difference in the world. We are a team of ~10 data scientists with engineering backgrounds that helps companies commercialize technologies into products.

We have had a busy summer!

We launched the Edge Analytics Blog

The Edge Analytics Blog has become a library of our best practices, learnings, and cool projects. Interested in learning how to effectively use GPT-3? Check out the “Getting the Most Out of GPT-3” series by Alex. Want to know more about FPGAs? Daniel discusses how we used FPGAs to develop a sleep tracker. If you’re curious how Edge Analytics got started, check out Lina’s article, “Why the founder of IDEO was right all along”.

We increased our online presence

Check out our new and improved Edge Analytics website! (Scroll to the testimonials section at the bottom. We’re blushing at all the nice things our partners have said about us.) We also launched our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. Follow along as we post about the team (Vasiliy is building his own house! Ren hiked over 2,500 miles!) and share our latest perspectives on ML and edge computing in our “On the Cutting Edge” series. All of these efforts were led by the incredible Brinnae “she can do it all” Bent!

Check out our new and improved Edge Analytics website!

We hosted a company retreat

This summer we got [almost] the entire team together, rented an AirBnB, and asked GPT-3 to create some exciting team activities for us. Highlights included visiting one of our partners, Cionic, brainstorming the Edge Analytics ProcessTM, and becoming experts at mini golf.

When we went mini golfing at our company retreat this summer, of course we had to crunch the numbers. If the PGA Tour is recruiting, it looks like Daniel and Ren have perfected their swing!

We outperformed Google’s pose estimation model with synthetic data

We used our Synthetic Data API (sign up for the waitlist!) to train a pose estimation model that outperformed both Google’s BlazePose model and CMU’s OpenPose model!

Our pose estimation model trained using our Synthetic Data API outperformed two state-of-the-art pose models, including Google’s BlazePose model.

Some of the awesome products we are working on!

Here are just a few highlights from the amazing partners we are working with:

We launched a new NLP-based product with inVibe

inVibe is transforming market research for life science companies by making data collection more efficient, analysis more effective, and insights more actionable. We partnered together to launch a new product using GPT-3. Be sure to follow inVibe on LinkedIn and contact them for your next research project!

Check out inVibe’s recent blog post, where they describe the breakthrough NLP algorithm we built together that they are using to accelerate healthcare insights.

We are running clinical studies with Cionic (and currently recruiting!)

It has been a busy summer for one of our longest partners, Cionic, a startup on a mission to help people transcend physical limitations. Be sure to check out their updated website and follow them on Instagram!

Check out the incredible Cionic Neural Sleeve! Do you know anyone who has mobility challenges? We are currently recruiting participants for our usability and efficacy studies.

Çava Health closed a successful WeFunder campaign

We partnered with Çava Health on the development of the world’s first health-tracking toilet seat and they just closed a successful $500k+ WeFunder campaign! Check out the WeFunder video — you might recognize Lina and Sidney in there!

A big congratulations to the Çava team for closing a 500k+ funding round for their health-tracking toilet seat. Check out this video and you might recognize Lina and Sidney in there!



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