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Product Designers take note — tokens save time and money.

Two hands reach into the center where icons representing typography, colour, and spacing are arranged around the component symbol used in Figma like an atom.

Why you should care about tokens

What are tokens?

  1. If ‘brand ’ ever changes, the 3 tokens referencing it will automatically update to the new colour.
  2. We can point ‘Button/Background’ to reference another colour entirely if we want and it won’t affect the others.
  3. We retain the benefit of naming the colour and token with a clear purpose.

How do tokens work?

  • Buttons, button groups, text links fall under ‘Action’
  • Text fields, menus, checkboxes fall under ‘Input’
  • Avatars, pagination, tabs fall under ‘Navigation’
A diagram with icons of various elements representing typography, colour, grids, corner radius, elevation, and spacing on the left. A path winds towards the right with a hand pointing in that direction in the middle. The path ends on the right with a button acting as the finished product.
With foundation tokens, we can point towards how they should use utilised as semantic tokens. These are finalised in creating the component output with component tokens.

Benefits of using design tokens

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A button that says 'Download on the App Store', and if clicked it will lead you to the iOS App store
A button that says 'Get it on, Google Play', and if clicked it will lead you to the Google Play store