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Pro-Kremlin media praise Putin’s leadership overseeing nuclear drills

Kremlin media emphasized Putin’s leadership role conducting annual Grom nuclear drills

Putin takes notes during annual nuclear drills, October 26, 2022. (Source: Reuters Connect/Russia MOD via EYEPRESS)
Screenshots of October 26 press releases from the Kremlin and Russian defense ministry about nuclear drills. (Source: Kremlin.ru/archive, left; Mil.ru/archive, right)
Narratives of Kremlin-controlled and Belarusian media outlets about the nuclear drills. (Source:@nikaalesejeva/DFRLab via Event Registry)
Headlines in Western media outlets publishing in Russian and Russian-language websites with Ukrainian domains. (Source: @nikaalesejeva/DFRLab via Event Registry)
Headlines in websites with Russian domains and other domains. (Source: @nikaalesejeva/DFRLab via Event Registry)
Screenshot of Event Registry’s reporting timeline for the media event “Russia notifies US of planned nuclear drills.” (Source: @nikaalesejeva/DFRLab via Event Registry)



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@AtlanticCouncil's Digital Forensic Research Lab. Catalyzing a global network of digital forensic researchers, following conflicts in real time.