NEURALINK — What and How?

What is it and How it works?


In general, sportsmen or actors, or politicians will be in the limelight because of their sports or films, or public appearances. For instance, most of us know ‘Sachin Tendulkar’, ‘Will Smith’ or ‘Barack Obama’. Even if a person is the CEO of a renowned global organization, staying in limelight is difficult but it doesn’t imply to ‘Elon Musk’ as he pulls all the focus to himself because of his ideas and implementations.

Some of the companies are founded, and some of them, are owned by Elon Musk
musk about AI

WHAT is this NEURALINK project?

in brief………

a simple image of neuron (only for understanding purpose)
electrochemical signals which are transmitted in the brain


— HOW —

Core principles of NEURALINK work on basis of BCI (Brain-Computer Interface). According to Wikipedia, “A brain-computer interface is a direct communication pathway between the brain’s electrical activity and an external device, most commonly a computer or robotic limb”.

Required Tools for NEURALINK

N1 Chip, which is a BCI, and N1 Chip is 8mm in diameter and it is having very thin electrodes [these are thinner than your hair follicle, these electrodes size is approximately 1/20th of hair follicle].

illustrative image of N1 Chip
a device that is placed on the ear will be connected to the N1 chip

How will they insert BCI into the Brain?

N1 chip will be placed into your skull by removing a very tiny part of your skull. Small electrodes, which are attached to this chip will be pushed into the brain. Each chip will be having approximately 3000 electrodes. These electrodes will be placed in different main parts of the brain.

implanting N1 chip
the robot developed by Neuralink

HOW does it WORK?

An high-level overview

USES from this NEURALINK project

CONCERNS and CHALLENGES because of this NEURALINK project

concerns and challenges of the Neuralink project

Permissions and Tests

Neuralink has already conducted tests on Pigs/Monkeys, which have been successful.

Monkey playing a video game with her mind using Neuralink BCI

My take on this

I love technological innovations, which will drive humans to run in this competitive world but those innovations should be mindful and limited with restrictions. I applaud the ‘NEURALINK’ project because of its complexity. I support it only if it has to be taken to the public with specific regulations that too only for medically disabled people.



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