Meaning of Unconditional Love

A silent language beyond words

A young boy lays on his tummy and smiles with his head up and his hands placed over a red heart image. The image represents unconditional love.
Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash

A loving look, a hug, a smile,
are the new words in my dictionary,
the conduit of my vocabulary
to connect day-to-day with my child.

Tickle, tickle, and more tickles,
heart-warming and loud giggles,
make for slow but sure ripples
of adoring memories in my mind.

Peekaboo, Peekaboo, Peekaboo
winning game, attention grabber,
endless hours of spinning platters
lovingly calling my son “Ba-Bu.”

I almost missed a heartbeat
one glorious day when I told him
Mommy loves you this big!
and my boy showed me how it feels
to hear I love you back
with his loving grin and eyes.

This is the power of unconditional love
that words cannot convey.
Worth more than I can say;
it hits deep chords inside my soul.

More than a Sunday kind of love,
it is the kind without an end.
A love this deep, I feel for my son,
love without conditions or pretense.

Copyright © 2022 |Tales of my Inner Castle PTY LTD |All Rights Reserved

I wrote this poem inspired by the relationship I have with my son. He is on the severe end of the autism spectrum.

Although my son hasn’t developed any language yet and may be perceived as non-verbal, he’s got a way of communicating through his gaze, smile, gestures, images, and thoughts.

Yes, you read that right; thoughts!

Often, I feel as though my son can read my thoughts, as he seems to be able to anticipate what I am going to do without me expressly communicating so with words or without him being physically present in the same room.

For example, my son loves apples, but sometimes if I was distracted, he could eat too many and make himself sick. Hence, to prevent this from happening, I now store the apples in a place high up in the kitchen where he cannot reach them.

However, whenever I’m going to reach for an apple for myself or to cook anything with it when my son is home but not nearby the kitchen, he comes running to request an apple just as I’m stepping on the step stool!

How does he do that? How does he know?

Undoubtedly, my son has taught me the silent language of love. A language that goes beyond the boundaries of words and can read between the lines of a gaze, a smile, body language, behavior, and even thoughts. It’s the language of energy, vibration, and frequency.

So much is lost in translation when we become dependent just on words. Instead, when we become attuned to the rhythm of who we are deep down in our core, the silent language of love flows to teach us the biggest lesson of all; no words will ever beat what can be communicated through unconditional love.



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Carolina Smith

Writer. Life/Spiritual/Creative Blogger. Interests: Spiritual, Personal Development, and Poetry. https://www.instagram.com/talesofmyinnercastle/