BAPS Better Living
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BAPS Better Living

Into the Unknown

Navigating Through the First-Year of University

Above: Photo of my university dorm | Photo by: Yogi Patel

My Bubble

I grew up in a bubble for most of my life. My hometown was a typical Chicago suburb where most of the people I grew up with lived nearby. The routine of school, extracurriculars, time with friends and dinner with my family was a routine I became accustomed to. Frankly, I enjoyed living in my bubble until…

  1. Dedicated Family Time
  2. Developing a Routine
  3. Connecting to Others

1. Dedicated Family Time

Above: Pramukh Swami Maharaj diligently reading a letter from a devotee. | Photo by BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha

2. Developing a Routine

Research has shown that having a consistent routine helps in managing stress levels, staying healthy and even has a positive effect on self-esteem. And frankly, it can even be fun too!

3. Connecting to Others on Campus

Loneliness is something that I faced while transitioning to the college lifestyle. And the feeling is common among many students living away from home.

Above: My friends from BAPS Campus Fellowship along with alumni at the notable Alma Mater statue.

Looking Back…

As I graduate from college, I keep going back to the scene where my parents dropped me off at my dorm.



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