How to Place on the Front Page of Hacker News

Exploring content qualities that resonate with the community

Introvert by nature

The list of what

Content qualities that place on Hacker News- To the point, best attempt at clarity in thinking to writing
- Seeks truth through practice, data, or first-hand experience
- Interesting graphs or media paraphernalia that surround it
- The content is helpful and sometimes controversial
- Builds to something important at the end of the post
- The topic helps the reader to think or do something later
But really: Content that resonates with the audience
Possible shortcuts to reach the top- Being popular in the community
- An important statement concerning a product, company, etc
- Oversell with satire
- Clickbait the title to spark a rolling thread
- Post your own work when published
- Meta post about HN or the practice of writing
- Timely content that is the focus of the community
- Tackle a profoundly controversial topic with impunity
Honestly: Knowing and writing to an audience
A “non-scientific” sentiment combing the 300 comments of the four posts above. The graphs capture the HN threads at the first and second-level. The authors primarily posted on reflecting their experiences or sharing opinions with observation and practice.

The process of how

Adia discovered my years of documentation and labeled it “Blogging as a System,” which I thought was the correct title.
Other meta points that are important- Experiencing something for good or bad, and sharing it
- Privately discussing the idea with a human before publishing
- Editing, placing it aside, cutting lots of things
- How the writing reads aloud / red pen process on a printed page
- Timebox the goal to publish, no matter what
- Targeting content that is relatable and timeless
Or: Be genuine with an idea and explore it to your ability, openly



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Doug Arcuri

Engineering Manager // New York // Writings that aim to be timeless, explore the human meta on software, and invoke thought. // Also see