Hello, world!

There is something about writing down your thoughts. And I mean writing them on a piece of paper, or in a diary, rather than typing on a computer. Seeing the empty, blank pages fill up with words as the ideas come to you. The smell of new paper, the rustling of the pen against the pages as you fill them up. Seeing the raw, unfiltered thoughts with no scope for backspace, undo or delete. The mistakes, misfit words that didn’t quite make sense, that you scratch out. The scratches may not look very pretty, but they are a testament of your beautiful thought process.

In comparison, typing into a computer while staring at a screen, with the sound of your fingers tapping the keyboard seems so unremarkable. Almost drab and boring. It was, in fact, one of the reasons I never started a blog of my own until now, in spite of people telling me to share my writing with the world.

But if typing on a computer instead of writing in a diary is what it takes to share my ideas with the world, if that is what lets everyone know my thoughts, dreams, and aspirations, then typing doesn’t seem so bad after all!



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Sneha Khedkar

Biochemistry graduate. Aspiring science journalist. Netflix binge-watcher. Writing about more than just science.