GOP Gained House Control: What Are Their Stated Priorities & Who Benefits?

In one of the most expensive, over-hyped, adversarial and polarizing mid-term election campaigns, in recent memory, many voters seemed to concentrate, predominantly, on their personal fears and political agenda, etc., than the best path forward, into the future, for this nation! Democrats and Republicans blamed each other for whatever was wrong! Many Dems focused on Donald Trump and January 6th, while Republicans tried to blame President Joe Biden, for everything which might not be ideal! Unfortunately, few benefit from either effort, because, when this nation needs to proceed in a relevant, sustainable manner, and to address proactively, whatever might be wrong with our current paths of action! One would think, those Americans who voted for the GOP, did so, because they wanted to change the way our government does business, and believed the Republicans might be better equipped, going forward, into the future, but, based on what some of those, who will be Chairs of key committees (in the House of Representatives) have already articulated publicly, there seems to be much reason for genuine concern! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss, a few of these subjects, which have been, either overtly or covertly, publicly stated by either (or both) Representatives Jim Jordan (future Chair of Judiciary Committee) and/or James Comer (future Chair of House Judiciary). Based on what they’ve stated, it seems they intend to emphasize partisan politics-as-usual, rather than the finest path forward. To date, these statements have avoided any true strategic plans, which are relevant and sustainable, but rather emphasized their political agendas.

  1. Hunter Biden and his father, Joe Biden: When listening to the constantly repeated themes from these two, and especially, having observed the behavior and attitude from Jim Jordan, for years, it seems a primary focus is to investigate Hunter Biden, find something, and try to use it to tie it to President Biden! They claim Hunter committed fraud, abuse of power, etc., and even if that was true, they seem to prefer ignoring, Hunter has never held any public title or position. Whatever he did or didn’t do, was as a private citizen, and, this attempt began, when Trump was President, and his Justice Department did not pursue it! They ignore the behavior of Trump’s daughter and son-in-law, who help positions in his government, yet seem to have benefited, significantly, from investments or actions from foreign governments (Jared received millions in investments from Saudis while negotiating with them, and Ivanka was granted several Chinese trademarks, etc.). If Hunter Biden is guilty, he should be investigated, by the judicial system (not political one), as should Trump’s kids, if they are guilty! Instead, rather than focus on the nation’s needs at this time, it seems we will instead witness a political show/witch-hunt! How can that make things better for our citizens, nations, the planet, or true, relevant and sustainable needs, which should be priorities?
  2. Root-out waste/fraud, mismanagement, abuse and its impact: While it would be wonderful, if waste, etc., was reduced, significantly, history indicates Republicans have not managed our deficits, better than the Dems! In fact, in the past half-century, the Federal deficit was reduced during every Democrat administration, and went up during Republican ones! Wouldn’t it be better, if they demanded, a better approach, going forward, such as zero-based budgeting, etc.?
  3. COVID 19 beginnings: They claim they want to investigate the 3 years of this pandemic, and how we proceeded, forward, but fail to mention, the significant part former-President Trump had, in his year of supposedly, handling it! While it might be helpful, if they studied this, to attempt to minimize future pandemics/health crises, etc., wouldn’t that be better handled by the scientists and professionals, who continue doing so?
  4. Dr. Fauci: Playing politics with the ramifications of the horrendous pandemic, and trying to make Dr. Fauci, a scapegoat, may be a good show, but serves little constructive purposes! It seems we are going to witness an expansion of unproven, conspiracy theories, rather than serious discussions, based on facts and needs!
  5. Playing cozy with Marjorie Taylor-Greene: If you want to consider, the state of today’s GOP, simply consider the expanded position, it seems Representative Marjorie Taylor-Greene will have, especially in terms of influencing the direction, going forward! Examine her record, statements, and positions, as well as her hate-based statements, regarding other members of Congress, her threats, her cozy relationship with the far right (including White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis, and anti-Semites), and her statements of empathy and support for many of the actions of January 6th! Is her brand of conspiracy theories, mistruths, and vitriol, really what this nation needs, at this point in time?
  6. Paycheck Protection Program: Over $800 billion dollars in loans made, to businesses, to assist them, during the pandemic, and especially try to protect workers, were forgiven. Indeed, there are many questionable loans involved, but isn’t it selective memory, to fail to mention, this program began under Trump, and many members of Congress, and their major donors, were major beneficiaries of this forgiveness.
  7. Investigate Social Media: There are certainly many abuses in the way Social Media behaves and acts, but the emphasis, seems to be, predominantly on Google, Twitter and Facebook, and there has been very little discussion of the right-wing ones, including TRUTH, etc.! Instead of making this about a political agenda, wouldn’t we be better served using common sense, to oversee, and ensure fairness, honesty, and consumer protections?
  8. US aid to Ukraine: The vast majority of Americans, and people, throughout the world, favor Ukraine in their fight against what most consider, Russian aggression and invasion! This nation, traditionally, stood on the side of the humane, with empathy, financial support, and emphasis! If this is to be investigated, will it also include the apparently-favorable treatment, Russia received from Trump?
  9. Southern Border: Wouldn’t it be great, if there was a simplistic, easy, guaranteed approach to the immigration concerns, especially at our Southern Border? Why would they address this, without wondering where the funds, spent on the Trump wall, went to? Instead of making this political, wouldn’t a think-tank, focused on solutions, going forward, be preferable?
  10. Biden’s energy policies: No one enjoyed the huge jump, the world experienced, in the past year, in terms of oil and gas (including the price at the pump)! It is simplistic and political to simply claim it was Biden’s fault for the price increase, since it was a world-wide issue! The combination of post-pandemic, supply challenges, global inflation, the Ukraine/Russian war, etc., have largely contributed, but, if one accepts this theory, the rise in oil prices, was Biden’s fault, that would also mean, the lowering, was because of his actions, too? How about corporate greed, and the record profits, from major oil companies, as well as OPEC and OPEC+ actions?
  11. Economic/ Inflation: Since, inflation is a global issue, and our Federal Reserve has had only limited success, controlling it, even by using the textbook-method of raising interest rates (to reduce easy money), and since, the largest deficit was during Trump’s final year, and Biden has actually, significantly reduced it, doesn’t it smack as cynical (at best) to make this a political, blame and complain, issue?
  12. Foreign affairs: No US President, in recent memory, has been able to balance this nation’s reliance on certain products, from China, with US economic benefits, etc., yet, one would expect this investigation will be limited in scope, to the way, these committees seek to skew the facts and realities! Every President makes mistakes, but since Biden has only been in office for less than 2 years, this entire responsibility, doesn’t lay on his policies and actions!
  13. Justice Department/FBI: Impartial observers state the present Justice Department, led by Secretary Merrick Garland, has been more opaque, open, careful, and fair, especially, than the one, under President Trump! Just because one, for political reasons, may not agree with the priorities, doesn’t make it worthy of investigations! No doubt there are abuses, within the FBI, but that systemic problem, did not begin in the past 2 years. How can people, who constantly, enabled and protected, President Trump, repeatedly, and largely, still do, regardless of what he says, does, or the ramifications, be trusted to emphasize what’s best for the nation?

At a point, where the future of the nation, in terms of democracy, freedoms, rights, and safety, are at-risk, these are some of the top things, these two key new Chairs, state they will prioritize! This country, and planet have many challenges, today, and going forward, and we cannot continue denying Climate Change dangers/risks/realities, and the need to pay attention to our environment (clean air and water), because they may be inconvenient, or lack the political appeal, in a partisan way, which seems to be their emphasis! Either we focus on real needs, and prioritize, them, sooner rather than later, or risk, significant challenges, into the future! Wake up, America, before it’s too late! Make this new House leadership explain, what their plan is, what they want and propose, and how it will make the country and world, a better and safer place to live!



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Richard Brody

After over 4 decades of involvement in learning Planning and training, Real estate, and consulting in many fields, Richard Brody is a recognized leader