Google search adopts scrolling on desktop

Google search adopts scrolling on desktop

Google has announced that Google search results on the desktop will now load as a continuous scroll instead of being split into pages.

Last year in the month of October, Google introduced it to mobile users. Now it has been introduced on desktops as well. To show users more search results, by clicking on the see more button, more results will be loaded in the form of a scroll.

Google says that this change is being rolled out first for users searching in English in the US and is expected to roll out to other countries, including Pakistan, soon.

Given the popularity of the feature on mobile, other languages are expected to be added over time. It is said that this change in Google Search mirrors the design of social media feeds where new content is constantly loaded as you scroll down the page.

Moreover, it will not only make searching on Google easier and faster but will also reduce the importance of being on the first page of search results for websites.




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