Dall-E API Just got launched. Here is how to use it.

So, I am expecting that if you clicked on this article you most probably know what Dall-E is and If you don’t check out this article to get an idea of it.

So, if you are already wish listed in the Dall-E webpage this email might be lingering somewhere in your inbox.

And the gist of the email is that. Dall-E is now available as an API now. which means now you can integrate Dall-E in your coding projects with just a few lines of code and an API key.

Lets see how to setup Dall-E in your program.

So, I am doing this on google colab as it is the easiest to share and very easy to use for almost everyone with any system.

So as all programs lets start with the installs :

for colab
for local system

Now lets import openAI in our program:

Now lets get the prompt from the user for our generation:

It will look like this in colab

Now lets add the openai API key:

Now you can directly use the code from the API documentation:

For generation:


For Editing:


For Variations:


And now you are ready to create fun stuff with this.

For me honestly was waiting for the API for a while. I love being able to integrate such powerful models into my projects.

The API will get better with time so stay tuned.

For my github go here:

For trying out the code yourself go here:

For my day to day AIML updates check me out on twitter:

Thanks For Reading 😁, See you guys next week(soon) 👋🏼



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Eeman Majumder

A coding enthusiast. Mostly focused on AI devlopment. Currently studying B.tech CSE with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning