Caching in PySpark: Techniques and Best Practices

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash
  1. In-memory caching: This type of caching involves storing data in the memory of the nodes in a distributed system. This can provide fast access to data, but can also be expensive and may not be feasible for very large datasets.
  2. Disk-based caching: This type of caching involves storing data on a disk, either on the local disk of each node in a distributed system or on a shared disk that is accessible to all nodes. This can provide a balance between performance and cost, but may not be as fast as in-memory caching.
  3. Computer-based caching: This type of caching involves recomputing the results of a computation instead of storing the data itself. This can be useful for computations that are expensive to perform but can be easily recomputed, such as aggregations or transformations.
# Load the transactions dataset into an RDD
transactions = sc.textFile("transactions.csv")

# Map each transaction to a tuple containing the date and the number 1
transactions_by_date = x: (x.split(",")[0], 1))

# Reduce the mapped transactions by date to compute the total number of transactions per day
transactions_per_day = transactions_by_date.reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x + y)

# Cache the results of the computation



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Paul Scalli

Writing about Technical Sales, Data Science, Cool Engineering Topics, and Life!