Be Kind: Why Flexing Your Kindness Muscles Can Boost Your Health

“Do things for people, not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.”

Did you know that kindness can be good for your physical and mental health? This article takes a closer look at the link between being kind and being healthy.

Being kind is something that we are encouraged to be from a very young age. It’s a really lovely trait for anybody to have, but there are more benefits to it than simply feeling good about yourself after an act of kindness. Interestingly, there is a lot of evidence that supports the idea that kindness is really good for your health and others around you.

“Do things for people, not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.” — Harold S Kushner

What Is Kindness?

Kindness is a learned behavior that encompasses being helpful or considerate of another being. That could be an animal or a person, even an insect. Generally, it is expected that the kindness is given without any need for that kindness to be returned, otherwise the dynamics of the exchange are different and it may not be considered true kindness. In its purest form it should be a very free, willing, positive and healthy act that is gifted to others, and also to yourself without expectation.

“Sometimes it only takes one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.” — Jackie Chan

How Is Kindness Good For Your Health?

There are multiple ways in which kindness is known to be good for your health including:

Pleasure In Your Pleasure Centers

When you do something kind for another person you don’t just ‘think’ you feel good for doing it, you actually get pleasure from doing it in your brain. Science tells us that an act of kindness leads us to experience more serotonin and actively release endorphins. These same feelings are the ones we experience when we run or do exercise and they are designed to boost our happiness and encourage us to repeat that behaviour again.

Anxiety Reduction

Anxiety is a mental health issue experienced by a huge amount of people across the world. You can ease anxiety with exercise, therapy, better sleep and medication — amongst other things. What you may not know is that anxiety can be eased with kindness. Science studies tell us that those who perform acts of kindness can see a reduction in their anxiety levels.

Better Heart Health

According to a leading scientist called Dr. David R. Hamilton, being kind makes us feel positive emotions. Those emotions cause us to make oxytocin which then releases nitric oxide. This process leads to blood vessel dilation and lowers blood pressure, thus protecting the heart.

Stress Reduction

Life can be so stressful these days, and there are many ways to reduce stress levels, including finding better balance in life, tackling mental health issues and exercising. Being kind to other people or animals helps us to forget about our own worries and instead, focus on helping another. Acts of altruism are also thought to help us learn how to cope with our own stress in a more helpful way.

A Lowered Sense Of Loneliness

Science shows that loneliness can actually make us very unwell, and it can even lead to early death. Acts of kindness, especially those within the volunteering sector decrease our levels of loneliness and help us to socialize more, boosting our health overall while also helping others.

The above are just some examples of how kindness can make us feel healthier. Realistically, there are far-reaching benefits to both the individual being kind and the recipients of the kindness.

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” — Scott Adams

How To Be Kinder To Others

The more we are kind to others, the more good feelings there are in the world. Many people like to call it ‘paying it forward’ which is where somebody is kind to you, and you are then kind to another person and so the sharing of compassion continues. If you would like some inspiration on how to be kinder to others, here are some ideas:

  • Leave some money at the laundry mats for somebody else to use.
  • Pay for the coffee of a person behind you in a coffee shop or drive-thru.
  • Create a local ‘take a book leave a book’ initiative.
  • Create a local ‘extra food’ box where others can leave and take items as needed.
  • Give a stranger a compliment.
  • Volunteer at any local animal shelter.
  • Volunteer at a local charity shop.
  • Donate to charity.
  • Do some beach cleans.
  • Leave a kind note to somebody you see on public transport.
  • Let a stranger in front of you in line.
  • Stop and help somebody who needs help.

You can find some more fantastic ideas at or if you want to truly feel your faith in humanity restored checkout this YouTube video.

“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” — Barbara De Angelis

How To Be Kinder To Yourself

It is so important to remember that kindness to others starts right at home. Not by petting your dog or giving your child a cuddle (although, those activities are always recommended) but by caring for yourself. The stronger, healthier and happier you are the more love and kindness you have to give. For tips on being kinder to yourself, take a look at these ideas:

  • Give yourself a compliment in the mirror.
  • Give parts of your body a loving massage.
  • Write down 5 things that are great about you.
  • Take the first step to better mental health by seeing a therapist.
  • Get a haircut.
  • Get a professional massage.
  • Take a hot bath.
  • Cut out any social media that makes you feel bad about yourself.
  • Meditate.
  • Exercise.
  • Go on a date with yourself.
  • Spend time with people who make you feel good.

Being kind to yourself is essential if you want to have more to give yourself and others. You deserve it too, don’t forget.

How Will You Show Yourself And Others Kindness Today?

Being kind to yourself and others can boost your health and happiness. How will you start to show more kindness today? It only starts with one kind act, which will inspire you and others to spread that kindness, which can accomplish so much in such a tough world.

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new tree’s.” — Amelia Earhart

Power and Peace to you!

Be well.

Yancy Berry Coaching

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Yancy Berry

I’m a life coach, meditation and mindfulness guide, and addiction recovery specialist. I bring power and peace on your path to recovery.