Are You Hungry???

I was thinking this morning of all the things I am hungry for. Food, of course, especially during the holidays, all the cookies, candies, cakes, holiday parties with great food, truly deliciousness (that’s probably why so many of us go back to the gym after New Year’s!). More than what my tastebuds and stomach want, I was thinking about what my heart and mind are hungry for. What is it that I want to “eat” more of or less of in my life? Do I spend my time on being filled up with good things, like relationships, God, living for others, or do I fill my life with work, accumulating more and more stuff/money/experiences….

Today I read this great word in 2 Chronicles 17, listen to this: “The Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the earlier ways of his father David. He did not seek the Baals (false gods), but sought the God of his father and walked in his commandments and not according to the practices of Israel. Therefore, the Lord established the kingdom in his hand…His heart was courageous in the ways of the Lord…In the third year of his reign he sent his officials…and the Levites…the priests… to teach the cities of Judah.” (verses 3–5a,6a,7–9). Three things we need to notice from this passage… three things that will cause us to hunger for the BEST rather than fill up on the junk.

First, what do you spend your time thinking, seeking? Jehoshaphat sought God and obeyed God. We have the Bible today, the very word of God. The absolute truth in a world where there seems to be no truth. Read it and obey it and you will be hungry for God! And what you are hungry for is what you will go after with all your heart. Don’t all of us hunger for LOVE? Well I’ll tell you something I’ve learned in my years of living… God NEVER EVER has disappointed me in ALL the ways he has loved me. AND he has never stopped loving me when I have been so unfaithful! It says in the Bible “God is love” (1 John 4:7–21). You should STOP right now and go read those verses!!!

Second, you will be courageous in what you are hungry for. For example, if I long and live for more time with my family, I will plan my time better. I will get my work done, my errands, my responsibilities, the most efficient ways possible, because I want to be with the them. However, if I’m most hungry for esteem from my bosses and coworkers, then I will work all hours of the day/night proving myself worthy of their respect. You will go after it with all your heart, letting nothing stand in the way. Now take God… to be courageous for him is filled with promises from him that are unbelievable. He promises to never leave you or forsake you, he promises to give you eternal life with him, he promises to give you hope/peace/joy, to love you forever, unconditionally… he truly is the only one who will never disappoint you! He promises to provide for you every day in all the ways you will have need. No one else can promise these things but the Creator of the universe. To step out in courage with him is the most exhilirating best life you can ever live. I know this because I did it without God for 37 years… I never experienced true fulfillment, momentary yes, but never lasting contentment until God. And now with God, I’ve only ever been discontent or weary or discouraged, when I forget him and go back to fixing my eyes on all the wrong things that never fill me up!

Lastly, what you are hungry for and what you will be courageous for, is what you will go and teach to others. You always have people watching you and you are constantly teaching something, good or bad. What are you teaching? What we put in us, is what comes out of us! We become what we behold! What are you putting in? Jehoshaphat knew that the people needed God’s Word, that it was truth and life, that it would lead to them knowing him better, loving him the more they knew him and that would lead to blessing for them. Spend some time asking yourself what you are teaching the people who watch and listen to you? For my friends and family who do not yet know God, come and see by opening the Bible, find a church where you can hear the word of God and fall in love with the one who loves you more than you can imagine. And remember, don’t compare yourself to what others are hungry for and what they are eating. And for my friends and family who are born again, ask yourselves if you are eating enough of the right thing… His word. I think too often today we snack on devotionals, and quotes on social media, but we are not sitting down with our Bibles asking God to feed us with His Word. It and the Holy Spirit will change us into Christ’s image so I encourage you to feed on the Word. He wants you to “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). Come on, come eat with me and be filled up with the BEST!



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