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Announcing Open Source FiftyOne Community Rewards!

At Voxel51, our mission is to bring transparency and clarity to the world’s data. We do this by offering open source (FiftyOne) and commercial (FiftyOne Teams) software to help engineers and the organizations they work for solve their most challenging computer vision problems.

Beyond developing software, community is the core of how we operate at Voxel51. The FiftyOne community is all about bringing together people from different backgrounds and skill levels who share a common interest in computer vision, and then finding ways to help each other.

In the coming weeks we’ll be rolling out the official “FiftyOne Community Rewards” program designed to inspire community members and recognize their efforts and achievements within the community. But, in the spirit of “release early, release often”, here’s a glimpse into contributions that are swag worthy. And there’s no need to wait for the official program to start contributing! We’re already on the lookout to reward contributions like these and are ready to send some swag your way to say thanks.

Share your FiftyOne success story and receive a limited edition hoodie

Is your company using FiftyOne to solve interesting computer vision problems? If so, consider sharing your success story and claim a box of FiftyOne swag as a thank you!

For example, check out how Forsight uses FiftyOne in combination with cutting edge AI vision technology to solve some of the construction industry’s greatest challenges regarding safety, security, management and more.

Source: Forsight’s data in the FiftyOne App

What qualifies as a success story?

If you are using FiftyOne to deliver production computer vision projects at your company either internally or for clients and customers, that’s a success story! Are you using FiftyOne in your research project in industry or at a university? That’s a success story too!

How will my success story be used?

We are in the process of collecting success stories to showcase on our landing page. The goal of the landing page is to communicate not only the FiftyOne community’s diversity and international reach, but also its ability to help solve today’s most challenging computer vision problems across a variety of industries.

There are plenty of other ways you can get involved in the community. If you do decide to get involved, don’t be surprised if someone from the Voxel51 developer relations team reaches out looking to send you some cool FiftyOne swag!

Help make open source FiftyOne awesome!

Love helping others level up their FiftyOne knowledge?

Enjoy writing about technical topics?

  • Interested in creating a blog post about FiftyOne? Ping @Jacob Marks or @Jimmy Guerrero in FiftyOne Community Slack and we’d be happy to help with topic selection, editing and encouragement!
  • Help translate FiftyOne content into other languages to help reach members who’d prefer to consume content in their native language. Ping us on FiftyOne Community Slack.

Interested in helping plan, host, or present at a Meetup?

We are always looking for co-hosts, co-sponsors, and presenters for the Computer Vision Meetup network. We currently meet virtually every month, but would love to find local computer vision enthusiasts to help us start hosting in-person events. Drop us a line at community@voxel51.com to get the conversation started.

What’s next?



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