What do I do? I've worked for 12 years to build teams, establish trust, develop products, and crush internal inefficiencies. More than half that time was spent as an infrastructure org builder, helping turn system engineers into coders, and developers into system experts. I have a firm belief that if you can code and deploy infrastructure, nothing can stop you.

I helped develop Palantir's first large compliance programs, overhauled a majority of their internal infrastructure and processes, and moved the company toward an infra-as-code space. During that time, I learned many lessons about infrastructure. Each of these topics I want to write about, to hopefully help someone learn something the easy way.

Who should read this: leads working at small-to-midsize companies that are looking to build a stronger infrastructure org. The content will be catered to people that are new to this space, and need help wrapping their minds around: how do i build an effective infrastructure engineering team at my startup?

Medium member since June 2022
Top writer in Technology



Elliot Graebert

Former Head of Internal Cloud at Palantir, Infrastructure and Security Nerd, Gamer, Dad