A Startup Veteran Joined A Hundred-year-old Business — and Growth Bloomed

We spent the Dragon Boat Festival last year hosting an Anchor Roundtable. The Head of Product at SCMP, Malcolm Ong, joined us for a chat over sticky rice dumplings. Malcolm is also Co-Founder of EdTech startup SkillShare, backed by Union Square Ventures and Spark Capital. With a full house of entrepreneurs, tech professionals, and investors in Taipei, a VC who came commented: “Those who came to this event over the holiday are the ones who really wanted to learn and grow. Way to go!”

Malcolm started the sharing with his abundant startup experiences. The industries range from gaming, music concerts with LBS and data analysis, sharing economy, to a 115-year-old established media. His roles range from product manager at small startups, executive at mid-large scale startups, founder, to EIR at a VC fund. Malcolm is one of the most dynamic people. The 2 key words for this event, product and growth, are timeless expertise and passion of his.

Malcolm shared the story of how he moved across the world and joined SCMP: at the end of 2015, Alibaba bought SCMP with $264m. The current CEO Gary Liu (in fact Taiwanese American) and Malcolm are friends. They brainstormed about digital transformation for media companies as Gary contemplated the offer back then. Eventually Gary invited Malcolm to join forces in HK.

Apply Changes to the 115-year-old Corporate

Digital transformation for traditional industries are also huge challenges in Taiwan. How did Malcolm push for change at this 115-year-old corporate as its Head of Product? First, compared to the US, whether the top management bought in is the key, especially in Asia with its top-down culture. The current CEO Gary has a rather unique background in tech (previously at Digg & Spotify), and that was one of the key reasons for Malcolm to get aboard. In addition, SCMP was fortunate to have the backing from Alibaba to invest in the future of media. “In reality, not many media companies have the financial means for digital transformation. Another leader in this field, Washington Post got funding from Jeff Bezos from Amazon.”

Malcolm Ong, Head of Product of SCMP / Elisa Chiu, Founder & CEO of Anchor Taiwan

Now the management has bought in, how to get the teams to move along? SCMP started with its image and branding. New logo, re-defined mission statement (Lead the global conversation about China), and change of its physical space. SCMP moved out of their boring old-school office, and launched the new HQ in Causeway Bay. The atrium, lots of open space and wood furniture, 140 screens and monitors that show real time data and news… it sounded like such an incredible space.

How about those traditional folks who are waiting to retire and get off at 5pm? Malcolm thinks it’s important to communicate the mission and meaning of their work. “This is a rare opportunity to witness history and be at the frontline to be a part of real change in the media industry.” SCMP even carved out the traditional print business to a new subsidiary. The new corporate structure allows more flexibility and agility.

It’s Not Just the Product

For Taiwan, it’s worthwhile to remember that we tend to focus too much on product’s features and patents, ignoring human-centric cultural and organizational transformation. As the Head of Product, Malcolm didn’t mention anything about their technology during the sharing. Instead he focuses on how to transform ways of thinking across different teams.

“I am trying to break the culture that marketing means buyings ads and reporting CPC, CPA and so on.” Malcolm encourages everyone to assume that they are startup founders, and think of all possible cross-disciplinary ways to build and promote a product. The sense of ownership and data-driven transparency allow people to feel more invested in what they are working on.

In addition, Malcolm mentioned that they carved out resources to invest in the news consumption for the next 5, 10 years or even longer, using AR/VR and drones to bring different imaginations for the media of the next generation.

So what makes a good product manager?

“Engineering insight, good sense of design, know how to utilize data, and leadership.”

Malcolm mentioned that the product development methodology and mentality can be used not only in the product team, but also in growth and marketing.

There are so many other incredible points that Malcolm brought up! The event was supposed to end at 2:30pm yet lasted till over 4pm. At the very end we asked Malcolm how he became so dynamic and insightful.

“Find something you’re passionate about and don’t be afraid to go for it.”

Thanks for the inspiration! Are you ready to have a deep dive?

Anchor Roundtable: Product & Growth

2019年的端午節 Anchor Taiwan 邀請到南華早報 (#SCMP — South China Morning Post) 的產品總監、同時也是美國知名教育科技新創 Skillshare 創辦人 Malcolm Ong 來和我們吃粽子聊新創。原本預計25–30人的小型聚會後來擠進大概40人,一個來到現場的創投說:這種辦在假日的活動,會出席的都是真正想要學習成長的人,非常好!

Malcolm 從自身豐富到不行的創業經驗開始聊起,產業從遊戲、音樂展演結合LBS與數據分析、共享經濟、到現在115年歷史的老牌媒體,身份從小型新創產品經理、中大型新創主管、創辦人、到創投的駐點創業家等,而這次活動的兩個關鍵字 — Product & Growth,則是他歷久不衰的專長與熱情。

Malcolm 提到他加入南華早報的機緣:2015年底,阿里巴巴宣布收購 SCMP,集團現任的執行長 Gary Liu (其實是Taiwanese American) 和 Malcolm 是朋友,在上任前多次找 Malcolm 沙盤推演媒體產業的數位轉型,隨後邀請 Malcolm 從舊金山搬到香港加入他的團隊。


#傳統產業 的 #數位轉型 是台灣也面臨的嚴峻考驗,而 Malcolm 到底如何在這個百年的企業以一個產品總監的身份推動改變呢?「首先,和歐美很不一樣的是,在亞洲普遍來說是由上而下的威權管理風格。」現任執行長 Gary 之前特殊的科技背景 (eg. Digg、Spotify) 是 Malcolm 決定登船的主要原因之一。人才以外,阿里巴巴的資金挹注,也為數位轉型帶來實質上的銀彈支援,「這是很現實的問題,真正有資源可以做數位轉型的媒體不多,像華盛頓郵報 ( Washington Post ),也因為亞馬遜的 Jeff Bezos 入主,而成為這領域的領頭羊。」

老闆們支持,再來就是需要團隊的跟進。南華早報大刀闊斧整頓集團的形象與品牌,先從 logo 下手,並且重新定義公司的使命:Lead the global conversation about China. 他們也從辦公的環境切入,原本南華早報在香港有三個辦公室,在不同辦公室的員工缺乏交流,往往各做各的。2018年2月,南華早報搬遷到銅鑼灣,成為時代廣場新地標,整合公司各部門的員工。開放式的辦公環境頓時加強部門與部門之間的溝通、訊息傳遞更加靈活快捷,亦因為這樣促成很多新的概念。貫穿五層樓中空設計的螺旋樓梯、大量開放空間與木質傢俱、140台螢幕和顯示器播放後台即時數據及新聞,光用聽的我們都熱血沸騰,馬上和 Malcolm 預約下次去香港朝聖!

能做的都做了,但那些傳統產業裡 “以退休和每天五點下班為生存目標” 的族群怎麼辦?Malcolm 認為,和團隊清楚溝通企業使命以及時代意義很重要,「這是一個你們可以一起見證歷史、並在第一線改變媒體生態的難得機會。」南華早報甚至把集團裡的紙本印刷部門獨立出來成立一個子公司,其他所有人全部納入數位轉型的事業群,以利集團的靈活運作與長期成長。


值得台灣深思的是,講到產品,自詡技術過人的台灣往往太拘泥在功能與專利,卻忽略以人為本,以及組織及文化上的整體變革。身為產品長,Malcolm 的整場分享沒有講到任何他們技術和產品多厲害,而是著重如何帶領各部門改變思維。

「我很努力要打破這種行銷就是多少預算下多少廣告、然後回報 CPC (每次點擊成本)、CPA (每次行動成本) 交差了事的陳舊想法。」Malcolm 説,他要團隊每個人都想像自己是新創公司創辦人,一個產品從生成到行銷去發想任何可以跨界的可能。當然,透明與即時的後台數據讓大家更能檢視自己的成績,比較容易培養團隊的責任感。

另外,他提到除了旗下數個產品線,他們也分配資源投資未來五年十年甚至更久的新聞消費體驗 (News Consumption),用虛擬實境、空拍機等,為下一個世代的媒體帶來不同的想像。

那究竟好的 “產品人” 需要具備怎麼樣的條件呢?


Malcolm 説,產品經理常常需要在沒有實權的情況下,說服大家跨部門合作,其實不只在產品部門要有產品經理,在成長部門、行銷部門也應該要採用做產品的思維和協作模式。

還有太多 Malcolm 的金句,族繁不及備載。原本預定兩點半結束的科技粽子趴,大家硬是包圍著 Malcolm 聊到四點多。最後我們問他,究竟這麼多元有料的 Malcolm 是如何養成的?

“Find something you’re passionate about and don’t be afraid to go for it.”

感謝 Malcolm 在端午節的啟發,你的人生也準備好要深度沈潛了嗎?

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Anchor Taiwan is your turnkey solution to succeed in Asia: entrepreneurial residency, co-investment network and more. www.anchortaiwan.com